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Why choose Uniwipe Antibacterial Wipes?

Uniwipe is one of the leading manufacturers of medical-grade cleaning and antibacterial wipes. With over 20 years of experience, they have the level of experience needed to continually produce and manufacture the best wipes. Uniwipes are the most technically advanced wipes you can buy. They have specialist wipes for catering and the washroom, making them a great choice for professional cleaners or those who want a deeper clean. Uniwipes are designed for single use and should be discarded after use, this removes the danger of cross-contamination. But don’t worry, Uniwipes is focused on sustainability and is constantly working towards offsetting its carbon footprint. They have also recently trialled and launched wipes that are 100% biodegradable. Cooksmill stocks a variety of Uniwipes products, great for the home and more professional and deeper cleans.

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