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Using a Stovetop Espresso Maker

Cooksmill has a range of stovetop espresso makers, also known as moka pots, which are a very popular way to make espresso in both home and commercial kitchens. They are easy to use and require no electricity while producing a very rich and flavourful coffee. Stovetop Espresso machines are available in many different materials that all have their own advantages and features. Cooksmill has both aluminium and stainless steel espresso makers. 

Aluminium Stovetop Espresso Makers

These espresso makers are lightweight and durable, making them ideal for frequent use in commercial kitchens. They are available in various sizes and styles and can produce one or more servings of coffee at a time.

Stainless Steel Stovetop Espresso Makers

Stainless steel espresso makers are also available in various sizes and styles and can produce one or more servings of coffee at a time. These coffee makers are also durable and easy to clean which is what makes them so well suited to use in a busy commercial kitchen.

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