Allow your customers to carry their purchases away securely with our range of bags. Food bags are designed for individual purchases such as sandwiches, popcorn, cakes, or sweets. The individual bags can then be put into larger plastic or paper carrier bags for the customer to carry away.
We also sell a range of packaging which may be helpful to protect your customers purchases which includes greaseproof paper and cling film sheets. Vacuum pouches are used to store food to extend its life, they are also used in sous vide cooking.
Disposable Bags & Packaging
Allow your customers to carry their purchases away securely with our range of bags. Food bags are designed for individual purchases such as sandwiches, popcorn, cakes, or sweets. The individual bags can then be put into larger plastic or paper carrier bags for the customer to carry away.
We also sell a range of packaging which may be helpful to protect your customers purchases which includes greaseproof paper and cling film sheets. Vacuum pouches are used to store food to extend its life, they are also used in sous vide cooking.