Everything You Need to Set up a Cooking Class

Cooking classes are a great opportunity for both experienced chefs and home cooks looking to develop their skills further. If you’re looking to set up your own cooking class, there are a number of cooking and kitchen essentials that you will need. Ensuring you have everything you need means your cooking students will get the most experience out of their class. This comprehensive guide equips you for a successful cooking class.

Prepping Your Kitchen: Essential Utensils and Equipment

Having the right tools in your kitchen is important for a smooth and enjoyable cooking experience. Here's a breakdown of the must-haves for your cooking class, all of which are available from Cooksmill:

Knife Essentials:

A Chef’s knife: This knife is the most versatile cutting tool in any kitchen. A good quality chef's knife (8-inch or 10-inch) allows for precise chopping, slicing, and dicing. Preparing ingredients is one of the most common tasks in the kitchen, and the right knife makes all the difference.

As well as a chefs, knives, there are a few other knives needed. One is a pairing knife. This smaller knife tackles intricate tasks like peeling vegetables, mincing garlic, and trimming delicate ingredients. These knives are great for classes where there is a focus on veggie based meals and dishes. A serrated knife (sometimes known as a bread knife) is ideal for slicing bread, tomatoes, and other soft-textured foods without tearing.

Having the right knives is important, but you also need something to chop on. Having reliable chopping boards allows your students to chop and prepare their ingredients with ease. We have several different options, from low-density to high-density and colour-coordinated sets.

Mixing and Measuring:

Accuracy is key in cooking, therefore you should ensure that you have all the right tools for mixing and measuring. Invest in a set of mixing bowls in various sizes for mixing ingredients, preparing batters, and storing prepped vegetables. They can also be used to wash fruit and vegetables. A whisk is also handy and essential for whipping cream, blending eggs, incorporating dry ingredients into wet mixtures, and creating smooth sauces.

Other important tools are: A rubber spatula, which is perfect for scraping bowls, folding batters, and ensuring even mixing. Rubber spatulas are less likely to scrape and damage the surfaces of pots and pans. Also, measuring cups and spoons, a reliable set of measuring cups (dry and liquid) and spoons ensure your dishes turn out perfectly proportioned.

Pots and Pans:

Perhaps the unsung hero of the kitchen, and indeed cooking classes, are the pots and pans. These help elevate a meal and the better the construction, the more consistent the results and cooking. There are several different pots and pans available, and your need for them will vary depending on what you’re cooking.

A large stock pot is ideal for boiling pasta, making soups and stews, and blanching vegetables. A skillet is a versatile pan perfect for sauteing, searing, frying, and reducing sauces. A saucepan is great for simmering sauces, boiling liquids, and preparing smaller portions of food. We have our own brand of Cooksmill Stainless Steel Cookware, made from high-quality, corrosion-resistant stainless steel, which provides reliability and years of use.


Cooking classes often produce more food than can be consumed in one sitting, which is why disposables are a must! Providing your chefs with containers to take their culinary creations away lets their friends and family have a taste of their cooking. We have several disposables available, including biodegradable options and a wide range of food serving options, from paper to plastic.

Well-Fitted Clothing: Choosing the Right Chef Jacket

A chef jacket isn't just a uniform; it's an essential piece of culinary equipment. It provides protection from heat, spills, and splashes, promotes hygiene by covering personal clothing, and instils a sense of professionalism in the kitchen.

The Importance of a Well-Fitting Chef Jacket

A poorly fitting jacket undermines these benefits. We have a range of jackets available, in different sizes and styles. Here's why a well-fitting chef jacket is crucial for your culinary students:

  • Safety: Loose sleeves can snag on equipment, increasing the risk of burns or cuts. A well-fitting jacket keeps these hazards at bay.
  • Movement and dexterity: Bulky jackets restrict movement, making it difficult for students to perform tasks efficiently. A good fit allows for free movements, which is vital for mastering knife skills, plating techniques, and other culinary tasks.
  • Professionalism: A crisp, well-fitting chef jacket creates a professional atmosphere in the classroom and helps students develop a sense of pride in their craft.
  • Comfort: Oversized jackets can be hot and uncomfortable, impacting focus and performance. A well-fitting jacket allows optimal comfort throughout the learning process.

Why the Right Size Matters

For young chefs of smaller stature, finding the right chef jacket can be a challenge. Standard sizes often run large, leaving them covered in excess fabric. This creates the problems mentioned above, affecting their progress and potentially impacting their cooking ability.

Small-sized chef jackets are essential for teaching young people. They offer the same professional look and functionality as standard sizes but with proportions tailored for smaller frames. Here's what makes them a game-changer for your cooking class:

  • Confidence boost: Fitting attire allows young chefs to feel comfortable and confident in their abilities, creating a positive learning environment.
  • Professional appearance: With clean lines and a proper fit, small-sized jackets instil a sense of professionalism in students, preparing them for the rigours of a culinary career.
  • Increased motivation: When students look good, they feel good. Well-fitting clothing can boost motivation and engagement in the classroom.

Cooking Classes With Confidence With Cooksmill

Cooking classes are fun and a fantastic way to improve your skills, and the skills of those around you. Here at Cooksmill, we have everything you need to ensure your cooking class runs smoothly and is enjoyed by teachers and students alike. Whether you’re looking to expand your collection for your current class, or to start a new adventure altogether, enjoy free shipping on orders over £60 (excluding VAT).

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