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Other Serving Boards

Having a reliable serving board to serve finger food, cheese boards, and other shareable foodstuffs, makes a big difference when it comes to guests' and customers’ dining experience. We have a range of serving boards, from ice cream cone displays to giant wooden presentation platters, all designed to boost your food service. These boards come in a variety of different wood finishes as well, so you can be sure to find one that suits your establishment and other tableware and crockery.

Cleaning serving boards is easy and quick. It is recommended that you do not put your serving board in the dishwasher, as repeated exposure to hot water, such as dishwasher water, can cause the wood to warm and for germs to become trapped in the board. Instead, handwash your board with warm, soapy water and dry the board immediately after to keep the board in the best condition.

Having a serving board, especially for a wide range of food items, adds the wow factor and is sure to impress guests and customers and make a memorable dining and food serving experience.

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