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Our 8oz squeeze sauce bottles hold small quantities of condiments and sauces to be easily dispensed. They are great for use in kitchens as well as in customer-facing environments such as takeaways and cafes

Their small capacity makes them ideal for small cafes that may not get through large quantities of sauces. The clear squeeze sauce bottles can be used in commercial environments while keeping the sauce fresh. This makes them useful for holding popular condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise.

These small squeezable sauce bottles can be used to hold different types of condiments and sauces ranging from ketchup and brown sauce to sweet chilli and more exotic condiments. You can also label the bottles to tell users about the contents. As well as being useful in customer-facing environments like cafes, these clear squeezable sauce bottles also have numerous functions behind the scenes in kitchens and other types of catering facilities.

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