What's the correct kit to make preserves this winter?

Cold winter days are the perfect time to settle down for some quality time in the kitchen, and there is no better way to warm you up and impart the feel-good factor than making jams, jellies, chutney, and preserves. The good news is that with a few simple and reliable kitchen supplies, you can be endlessly creative with your recipes. Your store cupboard will be full of tasty treats for the months ahead or you can create a great opportunity for upselling in your business, café, or restaurant.

Getting started

Regardless of what type of preserve you are planning on making, one item is an absolute must for any serious cook, and that is a good quality preserving pan. A heavy-bottomed stainless steel pan will enable you to make consistent batches of preserves whilst delivering years of reliable service for all manner of other kitchen tasks, so it is an investment any cook must contemplate.

Another key consideration is a stainless steel spoon. Using a designated steel spoon has two benefits. Firstly, it is clean and easy to test for consistency. Secondly, it will not impact the flavour of the last recipe you cooked into your jam, as a wooden spoon might do. Nobody likes strawberry conserve with a hint of fried onion!

Labour saving devices

Whilst it is easy to make jams with the most basic of kit, there are loads of labour-saving devices available which will really help you to save time and effort in the kitchen. For instance, some fruits, such as plums or apricots, are often avoided because the stones can be time-consuming to remove. A stone remover takes the misery out of this task for you, whilst muslin squares are invaluable if you are planning on making jellies without seeds, pips, or skin.

Another key item is a wide-necked funnel, which will save you not only time but also a sticky mess when it comes to filling up your jars full of your precious creations. A jam thermometer is also great for knowing when you have reached the optimum heat. Jar lifters are also available which save you from having to grapple with hot jars full of boiling jam and special pectin sugar can speed up the wrinkle test process for those working with products that are low in pectin, such as strawberries.

The right jar for the right job

A jar is not just a jar. As with pans, there are different jars available for different jobs and it is important to choose the right one for you, whether you are cooking professionally or as a hobby. Clip top Kilner jars are great for pickling items such as onions, eggs, or gherkins, whereas screw top type jars are better for chutneys and jams.

Jellies do well in smaller jars and are likely to be made in smaller batches anyway. It is also worth having a selection of sizes handy because it would be a shame to waste any if only a small jar is needed and you don’t have one to hand. Another key item is a selection of waxed paper discs which are placed on top of the jam once it is in the jar. This prevents the growth of bacteria by sealing the jam from the air, keeping your product fresh and safe to consume.


Labels and stationery

Once you have laboured away at your preserves, it is important to know what they are. Jam labels are available in a myriad of designs, ranging from the purely functional for the professional kitchen to the decorative editions, for those wishing to give their jars to friends and family as seasonal gifts. Labels are also important for knowing when you made the product and possibly even for health reasons, as the jam may contain products that some people may be allergic to.

In the same way, it is good practice to keep a record of which ingredients you used in case you have unwittingly created a classic recipe. Chutney, in particular, often benefits from a ‘pinch of this’ or a ‘splash of that’ and before you know it, you may not be able to remember quite how you produced the winning pickle on your plate.

A spoonful of magic

Whatever kind of preserve, jam, jelly, pickle or chutney you plan on making, it is clear that it is important to have the right kit for the job. Fortunately, your investment will pay you back in terms of taste and satisfaction and will give you years of good service, regardless of whether you are a professional chef or a keen enthusiast.

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