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Julienne Robot Coupe Discs

Robot Coupe disks are an innovative and versatile tool that helps with the processing and preparation of ingredients in the hospitality and catering industry. These disks, also known as slicing or grating discs, are designed to fit seamlessly into Robot Coupe food processors and other compatible machines, enabling efficient and precise cutting, slicing, and grating of a wide range of foods.

Julienne Robot Coupe Discs result in strips of vegetables, making them great for coleslaw, salads, sandwiches and soup prep. Constructed from high-quality materials such as stainless steel or carbon steel, our Robot Coupe disks are durable, resistant to wear and tear, and capable of handling large volumes of food. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with different types of blades that are suitable for fruits, vegetables, cheese, or meat.

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Robot Coupe 27066 - Julienne 2x6mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 27067 - Julienne 2x8mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 27072 - Julienne 2x4mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 27080 - Julienne 2x4mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 27081 - Julienne 2x6mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 27599 - Julienne 2x2mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 27610 - Julienne 6x6mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 28054 - Julienne 8x8mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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Robot Coupe 28172 - Julienne 1x8mm

Lead Time 5-7 Working Days
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